Sunday 26 April 2009

A long list of War Crimes, Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Palestinian people for the past 61 years.
It ranges from the mass expulsions and atrocities of late 1947 to mid-1949 - 800,000 Palestinians expelled and 423 to 520 villages dynamited and bulldozed, purposeful atrocities, massacres and murder to terrorize the native inhabitants to flee; the Death March of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the Palestinian towns of Lyddah and Ramleh, near Tel Aviv/Jaffa, in which hundreds died of exhaustion, heat stroke and dehydration; they were all denied the Right of Return. Then the Jewish settlers owned only 5.4 % of British Mandate Palestine in 1947;
The finances, deposits and savings of 1.3 million Palestinians – the total Palestinian population in late 1947 – were seized and stolen when the immigrant Jewish settlers looted Palestinian banks in Haifa, Jaffa, West Jerusalem and elsewhere;
A vast amount of loot and plunder; railway stations, postoffices, businesses, farms, shops, factories, villages, towns, homes, possessions, crops, agricutural lands, buildings, institutions, large amounts of Islamic Waqf lands and property and Christian Trust lands and property, previously owned by the Palestinians were looted and pillaged by the Zionist Jewish immigrant militias;
the mass expulsions in the 1950s up to 1959 - thousands of Palestinians from the Galilee and the Negev were violently deported; more villages destroyed.
the mass expulsions of the 1967 war - 365,000 Palestinians who were never allowed to return; the depopulation of the Jordan Valley of several hundred thousand Palestinians; the Latrun Salient villages depopulated and destroyed and their 10,000 Palestinian villagers forced marched eastwards; nearly half of the town of Qalqilyah bulldozed.
The 'Morrocan quarter, part of the Old City of Jerusalem, levelled by Israeli bulldozers, making hundreds of Palestinians homeless;
In and around the Jewish Quarter of the Old City thousands of Palestinians were violently evicted from their homes and the Jewish Quarter was expanded to be much bigger that it really was;
At least two known mass graves near al-Arish the in northern Egyptian Sinai where up to 1,000 Egyptian and Palestinian prisoners of war were executed;
According to Dr Swee Ang, who worked in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Gazans knew that 5,000 Palestinians were killed in the Khan Yunis Massacre in 1956; 100,000 Palestinians went missing in 1967 of which 35,000 were murdered according to the lady doctor;
the attempted and actual mass expulsions in the Gaza Strip in 1956 with accompanying massacres & atrocities to terrorize the population into fleeing into the Egyptian Sinai; the Israelis wanted the fertile lands of the Gaza Strip and wanted to get rid of the Palestinian population;
in the late 1960s and early 1970s with mass house demolitions the Israelis attempted again to coerce the Palestinian population into fleeing.
The mass expulsion of Palestinians in West Jerusalem in 1948, amounting to 70,000 Palestinians; most of the land and properties in West Jerusalem were Palestinian owned; 38 Palestinian villages Ethnically Cleansed and destroyed in the District of Jerusalem;
in East Jerusalem where thousands were forcefully deported to the Jordan in 1967;
the thousands of Palestinians in East Jerusalem & West Bank who were away during the 1967 War, and prohibited from ever returning regarded as 'absentees' - no estimate available.
Golan Heights 'cleansed' of 140,000 Syrian people; individial and small atrocities committed by the Israelis in the villages to terrorize the inhabitants into leaving; looting of tombs in cemeteries; dozens of villages & two towns deliberately dynamited in 1967 because Israeli kibbutzes wanted the land. The Golan Heights were illegally annexed to Israel;
23,535 Palestinian homes demolished from 1967 to 2000 in the Occupied Territories.
The thousands of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories since 1967 who have had their residency rights unlawfully cancelled; in East Jerusalem, some 60,000 Palestinians expelled over 41 years, also dimension of Ethnic Cleansing if not so.
September 8th, 1972 Israeli phantom jets bombed Palestinian targets in Lebanon and Syria, including a refugee camp, killing hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children;
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1978 cost the lives of 2,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians & 250,000 refugees. Untold inestimable destruction inflicted;
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 cost the lives of 30 - 40,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians, 100,000 seriously wounded & half a million homeless. During that war, the Israelis devastated and levelled Lebanese towns and villages. They carpet bombed the refugee camps murdering thousands of Palestinian men, women and children. They bombarded Beirut, a major city, and laid siege to it, devastating the city and committing atrocities and massacres. They levelled the Palestinian refugee camps to the ground in an attempt to mass expel them from Lebanon and deliberately bombarded Lebanese civilian infrastructure on a wide scale like in 2006 and Gaza 2008/9;
The 1st Palestinian Intifadah which began in 1987 was an unarmed rebellion and civilian disobedience campaign which cost the lives of 1,000 Palestinians versus 14 Israelis dead. Hundreds of punitive home demolitions and brutal repression. Number of wounded unknown.
On October 8th, 1990 a large protest demonstration peaceful and organised on the Noble Sanctuary to protest Jews wanting to place the cornerstone of their future temple on the Islamic historic esplanade; some Palestinian youths threw stones, then the Israeli soldiers proceeded to murder 22 unarmed civilian Palestinian Muslims and wounding 850; gunning down Palestinian doctors, nurses in ambulances; as a Catholic how would you feel if something similar happened on the precincts of the Vatican; the Israelis committed other massacres and murder on the Islamic site; also the Jews want to destroy the two holy mosques and all the ancient Islamic monumnets there;
On July 25th, 1993 Israeli forces launched a week-long attack on Lebanon misleadingly named 'Operation Accountability' because Israel was the Invading Occupier and Supreme Aggressor in a Seven-Day War in Lebanon; the deaths of 118 Lebanese civilians, During the week-long operation, Israel bombarded thousands of houses and buildings resulting in 300,000 civilians being displaced from southern Lebanon towards and other areas. Israeli forces also destroyed Lebanese infrastructure and civilian targets, such as major electricity stations and bridges;
'Operation Grapes of Wrath' in a sixteen-day devastating bombardment of the Lebanon on April 11th, 1996; between 300,000 and 500,000 Lebanese civilians became traumatized homeless refugees; Beirut area electric power stations attacked and bombarded; main roads in southern Lebanon destroyed using heavy bombs dropped by aircraft; 150 to 174 Lebanese civilians were killed; major bridges and power stations were destroyed; 2018 houses and buildings in South Lebanon were either completely destroyed or severely bombarded; all this devastating punishment by the Occupier because of resistance to Israel's illegal occupation of Lebanese land for the past 18 years. Also not to mention the stealing of Lebanese water for that time period. Israel and its proxies maintained a barbaric and infamous prison and torture centre at Khiyam in southern Lebanon;
The 2nd Intifadah, which began in 2000 & the Gaza War has cost the lives of more than 7,150 Palestinians, wounding and maiming 40,294, home demolitions on a wide scale and the razing of Palestinian agricultural lands also on a wide scale, including the horrendous devastation of the Gaza Strip in 2008/9;
Deaths as a result of preventing medical personnel at Israeli checkpoints totalling 400 Palestinian men, women and chidlren;
Wounded Palestinian resistance fighters, Palestinian civilians and youths left unattended for hours by Israeli soldiers, intentionally allowed to bleed to death and barring Palestinian ambulances from tending to the wounded and dying; possibly hundreds – no accurate estimate available as yet;
The Palestinian civilian population are face to face with a massive Israeli Army with high-tech weaponry and an advanced arsenal financed up to the hilt by the U.S. and Israel's massive armaments industry, plus a militarised violent population of Jewish settlers; the Israelis use helicopter gunships, F-15s and F-16s to rain down death and destruction from high above over a defenceless occupied people;
More than 921 Palestinian school children and 200 university students dead versus 123 dead Israeli children;
Since 1990 to 2000 1 million Palestinian olive and fruit trees uprooted and destroyed by the Israeli Army and Jewish Settlers;
Since 2000 to 2009 some 1.2 – 1.6 million Palestinian olive and fruit trees uprooted and destroyed by the Israeli Army;
The thousands of home demolitions, 10, 368 Palestinian homes destroyed from September 28th, 2,000 to March 30th, 2009 resulting in the homelessness and trauma of 180,000 Palestinians in the Occupied Territories - internal expulsion & ethnic Cleansing.
Nearly 64,000 acres of Palestinian land have been stolen and robbed by Israel from September 28th, 2000 to March 30th, 2009.
Nearly 20,000 acres of Palestinian land have been destroyed for the Evil Wall and the settlements;
Israel has stolen and robbed at least 60 % of Palestinian lands in the West Bank & East Jerusalem. Most of the water of the West Bank is used by Israel and the Jewish settlers.
The Israeli invasion of Palestinians towns in the West Bank in March/April 2002 cost the lives of more than 500 Palestinians versus 29 Israeli soldiers. Huge devastation of civilian infrastructure, institutions, organizations, homes, historic buidings, cars and agricultural lands.
In the Lebanon July/August 2006, murdering 1,300 Lebanese civilians, 35 to 40 % children, more than 5,000 wounded versus 38 Israelis, devastating civilian infrastructure, homes, villages, suburbs, bridges, roads, the biggest oil spillage in the East Mediteranean and 3 to 4 million cluster bombs on that practically defenceless country; 1 million unexploded cluster bombs with hundreds of Lebanese civilians killed and maimed by them to this day, on a massive scale and imposing a blockade of that small country like the Gaza Strip and its blockade and imprisonment conditions it is perpetrating in East Jerusalem & the West Bank.
Then, recently, the vicious devastating assault on the Gaza Strip cost the lives of more than 1,440 Palestinians, 40% women and children, and 83 % civilians, 5,440 severily wounded, maimed and injured – 60 % women and children; 140,000 made homeless and the deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure on a huge scale; nearly half of the Strip's agricultural lands deliberately destroyed by the Israelis; 14 % of the urban area destroyed and severily damaged, amounting to 21,000 homes and buildings; entire neighbourhoods destroyed. By early April, 320 Palestinian patients have died due to the siege and denial of treatment outside the Strip;
Israel maintains the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane siege and blockade of the mega-prison the Gaza Strip - ; starving, severily depriving, causing anaemia and malnutrition among chidlren; destroying industry, the economy and businesses, ruining the health system, the electricity and sewage networks; severily impacting on Palestinian children who make up 53% of the Gaza Strip's population; Israel has deliberately crushes all hope, ambitions and the future of the Gaza Strips population;
Israel uses F-15s and F-16s to overfly very close to the ground to create sonic booms in psychological torture warfare which smash windows, cause Palestinian women to miscarry and terrorises and terrifies Palestinian children causing psychological damage and anxiety-induced traumas and mental illnesses;
The Evil Racist Inhumane Wall, rather than being a 'security barrier' actually grabs 10 % more Palestinian lands and water resources in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and gives it to the racist fascist Jewish settlements; the Wall deliberately cuts access for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to hospitals, clinics, social services, their workplaces, their cultivated lands, other villages and towns, from East Jerusalem, imprisoning them in Ghettos; Bethlehem is completely surrounded by the Wall, with no vacant land, slowly dying a strangulating urban death; Qalqilyah also is encircled by the Evil Wall right up to its edges; draconian paralysis as a result of the Evil Wall; causes extensive and wide ranging hardship and suffering to the Palestinians – all very intentional and not accidental;
Over 600 manned and unmanned checkpoints, barriers, fences, earthmounds, concrete blocks piled one on top of the other, iron gates, trenches, all blocking at entrances to Palestinian towns and villages, and on Palestinian roads; a deliberate policy to paralyse Palestinian movement between their towns and villages and to any other part of their homeland; a deliberate Israeli policy to destroy the Palestinian economy and the socio-economic fabric of Palestinian life; a deliberate policy to prevent Palestinians from leaving their prison towns, prison cities and prison villages – barring, prohibiting and denying;
'Extra-judicial executions' of Palestinian resistance activists in their homes, in the street and anywhere with no arrest and imprisonment, trial and jury only execution in cold blood as an Israeli immoral 'preventive measure'; it was researched that in most cases these murdered individuals could easly have been detained; as a consequence some 877, inclusive of Palestinian bystanders, have been murdered;
Lately, at the end of February 2009, the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality intends to demolish 90 Palestinian homes in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem, making 1,500 Palestinians traumatized, homeless, in addition to hundreds of home demolitions and thousands of pending demolitions on the horizon which are never reported in the Western media.

Israel still maintains its status of 'Supreme Victim' with no recognition of its massive and extensive victimization of the Palestinians, the Lebanese and the Syrians on the receiving end of its overwhelming, excessive and violent use of its massive arsenal in racist wars of conquest & expansion.
The Zionist Jewish racist ideology can be summed up in one phrase 'Maximum Arab Land and Minimum Arabs' and - 'Maximum Arabs on Minimum Land' still in progress.
Israel pushed the U.S. into devastating Iraq, costing the lives of 1.1 million Iraqi men, women and children, 2 million external refugees, 3 million internal refugees, a country devastated, a land of widows and orphans, thereby doing Israel's dirty work.
Long live the forthcoming Durban II Conference on Racism in April 2009.War Crimes Tribunals at the Hague & Sanctions are an Absolute Must to end its Occupation, Ethnic Cleansing Policies & its 'racist' wars.

Israel is giving the Palestinians a state right now: what is it? The left overs; Bantustans, Maximum Palestinians to live on the minimum amount of their land, into shrunken ghettos, maybe about 5 large open air prison ghettos and a few smaller ones and some enclaves; the Gaza Strip is a mega prison ghetto; the Evil Wall, the bypass roads, the more than 600 checkpoints, earth mounds, barriers, iron gates and trenches to entrances of Palestinian towns and villages, the expanding settlements are all creating small 'reservations' in which life will become intolerable. This is a fact.
They did not give land for peace: they withdrew from the Gaza Strip to get rid of responsibility for 1.5 million Palestinians. They turned Gaza into a mega prison after withdrawal.
They want to isolate Gaza from East Jerusalem and the West Bank so they can make their brutal occupation and colonization permanent of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Also to stay ahead in the demographic war.
Sederot happens to be on the destroyed Palestinian village of Najd and its stolen lands.
Israel does not want peace: it has massively expanded its Jewish settlements, continued to steal more Palestinian land and water resources using the Wall, also to imprison Palestinian towns and villages using the Israeli Army many checkpoints and barriers imposing an inhumane siege, also using checkpoints, barriers, the Wall, Jewish-only bypass roads to destroy deliberately the Palestinian economy. It is increasing its military stranglehold.

Israel has successfully destroyed Palestinian existence: look at the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine from late December 1947 to April 1949, look at the Ethnic Cleansing of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967, look at the brutal military colonization of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, look at the brutal past military colonization of the Gaza Strip.

Look at the brutal massively devastating wars on the Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank in March/April 2002.

Look at what Israel did in the Golan Heights in 1967: Mass expel some 140,000 people, deliberately destroyed dozens of villages and two towns.

It is clear, like the Jewish settlements in the Egyptian Sinai after 1967, that Israel wants the land and no Arabs, therefore it is an aggressive expansionist colonialist state by Jewish Immigrants.
Definitely equality of human and civil rights! Complete
withdrawal to the 1967 borders or One State! Both
of which are being made tremendously difficult by Israel.

No way as far as Israel is concerned! A one state solution is much feared
by Israel because now 50 % of the population of Israel/Palestine
is Palestinian. Israel is Hell-bent on brutal exclusion of the Palestinians by
various means - hence, for example,the Wall which will give the Palestinians
just left-overs, shrunken ghettos imprisoned on the minimum amount of land
while Israel has taken the best fertile agricultural Palestinian lands and most
of the water resources.

One small example: a report yesterday that Israeli military forces entered
a Palestinian village near Nablus and demolished eight Palestinian homes
- that is 8 families perhaps 40 homeless and traumatized parents & children.
Nothing new. More planned demolitions in Hebron, East Jerusalem and elsewhere
- all part of Ethnically Cleansing Area C.

Israel controls Area C which is 60% of the West Bank. It may even have
control in parts of Area B which is 22 % of the West Bank. Area A is
just isolated pockets of dense Palestinian population concentrations.

The increasingly worsening intolerable conditions in these ghettos will create
ripe conditions for Ethnic Cleansing by indirect means. The more than
600 manned, unmanned checkpoints, earth mounds, 'flying checkpoints',
iron gates, fences, barbed wire, trenches, concrete blocks piled on top
of the other, all of which are in Palestinian areas, at entrances to Palestinian
towns and villages, on Palestinian roads and routes - all designed to
paralyze Palestinian movement, imprison them in their towns and villages
and, importantly, to destroy the Palestinian economy which will drive out
the Palestinian middle classes, the educated and professionals most
of whom want moderation. The impoverished repressed Palestinian
majority population, most of whom want justice and dignified lives for their families, will despair, lose all hope and resort to violent
resistance and defiance.

Hamas and the Palestinians have every right to defend themselves. They did not invade Israeli space and geography, mass expel and massively devastate: another example, Israel has destroyed more than 24,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip since 1967. Israel is the belligerent Occupying Power according to International Law. The Palestinians have not militarily repressed and dispossessed the Jews, it is Israel.

If you look at Israel's long track record of aggressive expansionist wars and the one in the Gaza Strip which was devastating and no end to the Occupation, then you will understand the hatred and desire for resistance and liberation. All these are excuses and pretexts of yours and Israel to continue to occupy the Palestinians, repress them and more importantly to dispossess them of their lands and water resources.

The Grand Racist Fascist Criminal Pretext of 'Eretz Yisrael' is causing extensive hardship, suffering and Ethnic Cleansing outcomes for the Palestinians for the past 61 years at the hands of an essentially immigrant settler and colonialist Jewish population and their very recent descendants, all self-righteous and racist.

Under the Grand Racist Fascist Criminal Pretext of 'Eretz Yisrael' the Palestinians and the non-Jews have no human rights, no civil rights, no land rights and no legally recognized existence according to the racist Israeli State - as simple as that. Your human rights record is awful dreadful and horrendous.

How has Israel the Right to Defend itself when the Palestinians and their lands are under a brutal occupation. Who has the right to defend themselves - the Palestinian Victims, Dispossessed, Imprisoned, Occupied or the Israel the Brutal Racist Occupier, Mass Expeller, Mass Dispossessor and Supreme Jailer?

A Universal God would never accept racism, dispossession and say that this is your land and others have no human rights. Your god is a 'god' with a small 'g'; in the Torah it is a pagan tribal god, not a Universal God.

Read Ilan Pappe's Book 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' and he will show the reality that happened. It will show that 'seven Arab armies about to destroy Israel' in 1948 is a myth, propaganda and historically not accurate.

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